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Proof of concept (POC) - Feasibility study

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Proof of Concept (POC)

Carrying out a Proof Of Concept (POC) is a must for any company wishing to integrate Artificial Intelligence. Firstly, the POC validates the technical viability of a specific AI solution to meet your needs. Secondly, it offers an opportunity to demonstrate AI capabilities in concrete terms, thereby reinforcing credibility and confidence towards the solution. The POC also serves to evaluate AI performance in a real-life context, enabling the solution to be fine-tuned and improved before full deployment. In addition, it provides a clear view of the costs, timescales and technical implications associated with AI implementation, helping to make informed decisions. Finally, the POC can be a catalyst for convincing internal and external stakeholders of the interest and added value of the AI services offered by the company (Quick wins).

The advantages of Proof Of Concept (POC) :

  1. Validation of technical feasibility: The POC enables the technical viability of the envisaged AI solution to be tested and validated, providing a concrete assessment of its feasibility in a real or simulated environment.
  2. Risk reduction: By setting up a POC, companies can assess potential risks and identify possible obstacles in the deployment of the AI solution at an early stage of the project, thus reducing risks for further development.
  3. Demonstration of the concept: The POC provides an opportunity to present the AI concept in concrete terms to internal and external stakeholders, enabling more effective communication about the capabilities and benefits of the envisaged solution.
  4. Investment optimization: By investing in a POC, companies can assess the effectiveness and profitability of the AI solution before committing to large-scale deployments, thereby optimizing future investments.
  5. Learning and continuous improvement: The process of carrying out a POC also provides valuable knowledge and information on technical aspects, potential challenges and necessary adjustments, thus contributing to the continuous improvement of the project.