We help companies boost their productivity through innovation/...
Specialist in Artificial Intelligence
and custom software development
We are your technology partner
From business strategy to artificial intelligence, from development and deployment to team training, we're with you every step of the way.
Our strength
Our incredible community of IT and Artificial Intelligence experts. Available now.
Your trip with us
Preparing for the trip: Discovery workshop
Before embarking on your journey, we invite you to take part in a discovery workshop. The aim is to work together to develop an innovation strategy and identify opportunities for integrating Artificial Intelligence into your business.
Confirming the itinerary: The Innovation Roadmap
We draw up a precise roadmap for innovation solutions in close collaboration with you. A dedicated team of experts is at your disposal to meet your needs and expectations.
Onboarding : Proof of concept
We carry out a proof-of-concept of your solution to check the itinerary and technical feasibility.
Accompaniment throughout your trip
We provide ongoing support throughout your innovation journey, ensuring that you achieve your objectives and reap the benefits.
Arrival: The benefits of Artificial Intelligence
Your journey comes to an end, and you reap the benefits of Artificial Intelligence within your operational processes. We keep a close eye on the evolution of Artificial Intelligence, and make sure we keep it in the best possible condition.
Membre Fondateur du Hub IA, Écosystème d'Innovation en IA
Chez MIA Innovation, nous sommes fiers d’être membre fondateur du Hub IA, un écosystème unique dédié à l'innovation en intelligence artificielle et à la transformation numérique des entreprises. Situé au cœur de Montréal, le Hub IA rassemble startups, experts, et entreprises technologiques pour favoriser la collaboration, le partage de connaissances, et le développement de solutions innovantes. Voici notre vision :
Favoriser la collaboration : Créer un environnement où les talents et les entreprises peuvent s’unir autour de projets d’intelligence artificielle et d'innovation.
Accélérer l'innovation : Offrir un espace équipé pour stimuler la recherche et le développement de solutions avancées en IA.
Soutenir les entreprises québécoises : Aider les PME et startups à intégrer les technologies de demain pour accélérer leur croissance et renforcer leur compétitivité.